Unbearable Noise: Unveiling the Phenomenon Behind the Aversion to Slurping – Groundbreaking Research Exposes High Prevalence of the Condition
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WhatsNew2Day If the sound of coughing, repetitive tapping or a crisp packet rustling ever makes you angry, you may have…
Mensen met misofonie hebben normaal gehoor, maar gesmak kan ze tot het uiterste drijven. Deze emotionele uitbarsting zien we…
Researchers for the first time have identified the parts of the brain involved in a less-commonly studied trigger of misophonia…
Todos odiamos cuando una persona mastica en voz alta o tararea sin parar, pero solo para unos pocos esos sonidos son capaces de…
Why isn't misophonia treatment research including connections between misokinesia, misophonia, and mirror neurons?
Lip-smacking, chomping, loud eaters and noisy mouth breathers tend to gross us out. But for people with misophonia—a disorder…
If you’re annoyed by just seeing people fidgeting, a new scientific study suggests you’re not alone. Researchers in Canada…
By Emma…
Hate the sound of people chewing, breathing or speaking? You may have misophonia.
Is misophonia simply an auditory disorder? The answer is no. New research reveals that it is also a motor disorder involving…
Nuevas investigaciones señalan que el rechazo por algunos sonidos indica la presencia de conexiones “anormales” en el cerebro.
Y a-t-il certains sons qui vous rendent vraiment fou ? Au-delà de la simple frustration ou de l'agacement, des sons qui déclenche…
Hate chewing sounds? Brain mirroring might explain…
Podczas gdy dla większości z nas odgłosy przy jedzeniu są całkowicie normalne, innych mogą wprawiać w poważną irytację. To tzw.
Are there certain sounds that really drive you crazy? Beyond mere frustration or annoyance, sounds that trigger uncontrollable…
<img src="https://naked-science.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/5ba6ec48-e6d0-45e7-afec-c9d3610194e6.png" alt="Ученые нашли причину…
Supersensitive Connection Causes Hatred of…
Conexiones cerebrales particulares en personas con misofonía podrían explicar su irritación al escuchar los sonidos de otros al…
People who react extremely to certain sounds, particularly loud chewing and breathing, may have a ‘hypersensitive’ brain…
Scans show some brains have a stronger link between the part that processes sound and that which controls the mouth and…